Let me start by saying that yes, #FitShaming is a real thing… the reality is that people will look for the dumbest excuses to bring other people down, and, “you’re working on your health and fitness harder than me (or ‘and I’m not’)” is one of those dumb excuses.
The statuses I’ve shared recently (shown in the pictures attached) are REAL things that people say to people who are working on their health and fitness – yet still, people choose to deny that it exists because it doesn’t fit their mould. I’ve had to put it in the perspective of someone who is serious about playing his instrument for him to understand (the person in question is a friend of mine and is also, thankfully, open to respectful discussion). I’ve had discussions and even arguments over this. I’ve used examples that people have conveniently ignored. The worst I’ve seen is someone essentially saying that since fat shaming is a thing, fit shaming isn’t… That one, I couldn’t wrap my head around.
I deliberately put myself in the middle because if it is someone you know, it may be easier for you to swallow, but here’s the kicker – many of the people who gym and look and/or feel semi-decent are very confident to the point that these Fit-Shaming statements don’t actually affect us. The problem I’m having is that there are many people who are exercising and changing their diet BECAUSE they have low self-esteem and it only takes one callous comment to set them backward.
I’m a Fitness Instructor by trade – that is what I do FOR A LIVING. Improving people’s lives is what I do, so it upsets me every time I see someone trying to make a positive change in their lives and people trying to drag them down. That’s why I started this campaign. That’s why I will continue to draw attention to it whenever I can.
All I ask is that when someone is working on himself/herself, instead of tearing that person down, try supporting him/her. Let people live, let people be themselves, let people work on themselves and, maybe, it might inspire you to do the same – maybe not in health and fitness, but seeing someone run 1 mile for the first time might inspire you to finally get up and sign up for that certificate course you’ve been avoiding.
…and above all else…… above ALL else…. LOVE!
P.S. The Chau did a photo shoot with Hybrid Caribbean Magazine to help combat #BodyShaming. I’ll let you guys know when it comes out 🙂